Refrigeration continues to be a key technology for the global food industry and industrial heat pump use is increasing. The workshop will bring together users of industrial refrigeration & heat pump equipment, suppliers of industrial & large commercial refrigeration equipment, refrigeration & heat pump contractors, energy suppliers, consultants, researchers, and those involved in refrigeration education at tertiary level to upgrade their refrigeration and heat pump knowledge.
This is the first open offering in the United Kingdom of this teaching workshop entitled “Cost-Effective Refrigeration”. The workshop has been delivered more than 30 times in New Zealand & Australia to more than 700 industry participants. A full brochure about the workshop can be downloaded here.
The workshop is presented by Professor Don Cleland who has been involved with development and delivery of the workshop since 1987.
The teaching methods used are suited to a wide variety of educational backgrounds an levels of practical experience, and will cover both the design and operation of both refrigeration systems and refrigerated applications. A combination of simple but effective hand calculation methodologies and computer analysis software will be presented, and participants will have the opportunity to try these in practical sessions. Participants will be given access to some non-proprietary calculation software tools.
​The workshop comprises about 20 sessions each of about 60 to 90 minutes. The full workshop programme is provided here. The material covered has been selected to be relevant to designers and suppliers of heavy and light industrial refrigeration equipment, commercial equipment suppliers and contractors, industrial and commercial refrigeration users/operators, and consultants.
Testimonials from previous attendees are provided here.

Why - Issues Facing the Refrigeration Sector
climate change requiring decarbonisation
stricter requirements to ensure food quality and safety
refrigerant phase-outs
cost of electricity increases
growing demand for heat recovery & heat pumps
increased use of third party providers
high capital expenditure to expand facilities or replace equipment

What - Topics the Workshop Covers
preparing specifications
customers/contractors/consultant interfaces
choice of refrigerants
refrigeration & psychrometric fundamentals
estimation & minimization of heat loads
evaporator configuration, sizing & control
prediction of food cooling rates
design of process chillers & freezers
effects of water vapour & prediction of RH
food product weight loss minimisation
refrigeration plant layout & design
condenser configuration, sizing & control
heat recovery and heat pump design
operational efficiency & optimisation


Don is Professor of Process Engineering at Massey University in New Zealand. He has more than 40 years research, consultancy and training experience in refrigeration, heat pumping, design and optimisation, food processing and preservation, energy management and energy efficiency. He has worked mainly in New Zealand but also has significant experience in the US, the UK and Australia.
He is a Fellow of the:
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
NZ Institute of Food Science & Technology (NZIFST)
NZ Institute of Refrigeration, Heating & Air-Conditioning Engineers (IRHACE)
Don is also a Distinguished Fellow of Engineers New Zealand (EngNZ)
He also holds Honorary memberships of the:
Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air-conditioning & Heating (AIRAH)
Science & Technology Council of the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR)
Don is a winner of the:
J&E Hall Gold Medal from the Institute of Refrigeration
Clarence Birdseye Award of the IIR
Scott Medal from the Royal Society of NZ
Furkert Award & 1992 Young Engineer of the Year from EngNZ
Ian Syminton Prize & Tony Barnard Award from the NZ National Committee of the IIR
Professor Don Cleland

Day 1
Monday, 1 July
8.45 - 9.00 Workshop Registration
9.00 – 9.30 Introductions
9.30 - 11.00 Session 1
Specifications; Examination of the purpose of specifications in the contractor/customer relationship. Preparation and interpretation of specifications. Technical detail for customers, consultants and contractors. Case studies.
11.30 - 1.00 Session 2
Refrigeration basics. Review of basic refrigeration cycles. Introduction to system analysis tools and refrigeration jargon. Introduction to psychrometrics.
1.30 - 3.00 Session 3
The CFC issue and global warming - implications for refrigeration.
3.30 - 5.00 Session 4
Heat load calculations. Techniques for estimation of loads and identification of excessive heat loads. Methods for load reduction. Hand calculations and computer analysis.
5.15 - 8.00 Introductory Social
(venue to be confirmed at workshop)
Day 2
Tuesday, 2 July
8.30 - 10.00 Session 5
Heat load calculations continued. Techniques for estimation of loads and identification of excessive heat loads. Methods for load reduction. Hand calculations and computer analysis.
10.30 - 12.00 Session 6
Heat load calculations. A “hands-on” session for participants to use the techniques on typical industrial problems.
12.30 - 2.00 Session 7
Air cooling systems (evaporators) and defrost systems. Discussion and quantitative techniques for ensuring that maximum efficiency is obtained.
2.30 - 4.00 Session 8
Water vapour and refrigeration. Vapour barriers, condensation on cold surfaces, humidity control.
4.00 - 5.30 Session 9
Estimation of chilling times and means for predicting the effect of changing conditions on chiller performance. Hand calculations and computer analysis.
Day 3
Wednesday, 3 July
8.00 - 9.30 Session 10
Estimation of freezing times and means for predicting the effect of changing conditions on freezer performance. Cryogenics. Hand calculations and computer analysis. A “hands-on” session for participants to use the techniques on a typical industrial problem.
10.00 -11.30 Session 11
Product weight loss. Theory and practical techniques to minimise product shrinkage in refrigerated facilities.
11.30 - 12.30 Session 12
Refrigeration plant design and energy efficiency calculations. Review basic techniques and analyse simple single stage cycles.
1.30 - 3.00 Session 13
Refrigeration plant design and energy efficiency calculations. More complex plant configurations, plant variations to save energy.
3.30 - 5.00 Session 14
Heat pump cycle designs and energy efficiency calculations for process heating. Matching heat pumps to process requirements. High temperature heat pumps.
6.00 - 10.00 Workshop Dinner
(venue to be confirmed at workshop)
Day 4
Thursday, 4 July
8.30 – 10.00 Session 15
Refrigeration and heat pump plant and energy calculations. A “hands-on” session for participants to use the techniques on a typical industrial problem.
10.30 – 12.00 Session 16
Absorption refrigeration. Principles of operation, system types and layouts, performance characteristics and efficiency, applications and economics.
1.00 - 2.30 Session 17
Operational aspects of refrigeration plant performance - performance of evaporators, condensers and compressor and effect of pipeline pressure drop.
3.00 - 4.30 Session 18
Operational aspects of refrigeration plant performance - measurement of performance, trouble-shooting guidelines, effects of operational practices on energy efficiency.
Day 5 (optional)
Friday, 5 July
8.30 – 10.00 Session 19
Introduction to and use of spreadsheet calculation tools – prediction of applications heat loads and prediction of freezing and chilling times.
10.30 – 12.00 Session 20
Introduction to and use of spreadsheet calculation tools –use of CoolProps to get refrigerant and psychrometric properties and to analysis simple cycles.
1.00 – 2.30 Session 21
Introduction to and use of spreadsheet calculation tools – analysis of complex cycles and heat pumps.
Graham Klein
National Engineering Manager Lineage, New Zealand
"The Cost-Effective Refrigeration workshop course was the best value training I have undertaken. There were so many takeaways that have helped me improve both new and existing refrigeration systems for Lineage. I highly recommend this course to anyone involved in the design or operation of food refrigeration systems."
Lindsay Muir
Freeze Dry Lead Technical Engineer
Cuddon Ltd, New Zealand
"I have attended several industry seminars and courses in the refrigeration sector but have not come across one as thorough and detailed as the Cost-Effective Refrigeration Course as offered by Dr Don Cleland through Massey University. Both myself and my staff were able to engage and work though a multitude of both relevant and interesting real world applications that will assist Cuddon in our continued development of our Freeze Dryers and share the knowledge with our other departments. Another bonus was the collaboration with other members of the wider refrigeration community and engaging in challenging discussions around new developments and the future of refrigeration.
The course was well organised and very informative. We look forward to sending more of our engineers to Don’s CER courses in the future. I would highly recommend this course to anyone in the world involved in the refrigeration, building or HVAC industries, there are some very useful tools that everyone can take away to apply to their respective businesses, clients and the wider sector to improve the world for the better.
Anonymous Participants
New Zealand & Australia
“Very well structured course."
"Overall, course was valuable and thought provoking."
"Excellent course that helped better understand the drivers of the individual parties involved."
"Fulfilled expectations and enjoyed it very much.”